How to compress a large video?


Most online course platforms and video hosting charges you based on video storage, the quality, the size of video, and etc.

There are times that a video that is too large won't even upload. Most video hosting solutions accept MP4 with more ease than other options or types. The smaller the files, the better.

Please note that there are also factors that may affect the quality output of your videos. On of them is if you are recording a video with really good camera, logitech for example, the size of the video file will easily increase even if it has shorter duration.

**The most efficient way I have found to convert large video files from .mov or over 1GB videos to smaller mp4 videos is through uploading it to a YouTube channel as unlisted video. Lastly, download it as shown on the picture below:

Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 8.48.00 pm.png

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