How to get your Gmail inbox under control?

Answer: Are you tired of spending a lot of time trying to find a specific email in your inbox? Are you annoyed with email subscriptions, Adverstisements, and other types of email that you don't really need? Zoom in to learn this trick and use your gmail comfortably! Objective: In this guide, you will learn and discover the following:

  • Why Gmail filters & labels are important
  • Where to access Gmail filters
  • Gmail filter options & advanced search
  • How to filter a specific email address
  • Understanding Gmail filter choices
  • How to add Gmail labels to emails
  • How to change the color of Gmail labels

Fist, let's start with labels. Gmail label is a tag that can be added to every email you receive or send. You can also add them to drafts. These labels can be used to keep your inbox organized. They are similar to folders, however, unlike folders, you can apply more than one label to a single message.

Here's a guide on how to create a label: link

Once you labels are created, you can watch this helpful video:

Next, let's learn Gmail Filters. You can manage your incoming mail using Gmail’s filters feature to send email to a label, or archive, delete, star, or automatically forward your mail. Here's the page about filtering if you want to know more about it:

Please watch this video to help you learn more about these:

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Thank you! - The Dot Com Truths Support Team

(Quick message from Eran, the founder and creator of DotComTruths and this FAQ library: One of the big reasons why I created this FAQ library is to share not just my knowledge, but other people's amazing resources in an easy to find searchable support library for online entrepreneurs - and since it is absolutely impossible for me to know everything and create content on everything - I am excited to also use this library to share amazing free resources to find online. In this case, full credit goes to Scott Friesen from Simpletivity - I definitely recommend you subscribe to his YouTube channel and see what other value he has to offer to make your life and business more productive and efficient)

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