What is Social Media?

Not long ago, media was only created by people and organizations that could afford the technology. The internet changed that and today, media can be created by anyone with an internet connection. This change in media has transformed how we think about information, collaboration and more.

What is Constructive Criticism / Feedback?

Feedback can take many forms and produce a variety of outcomes. The best results come when feedback and criticism are presented constructively. This key skill requires an understanding of why constructive criticism matters and how to use it effectively.

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How can you get traffic to your website?

Traffic means people. Real people, with problems that need solving. To succeed online, you don't need to "create" traffic. You simply need to find the pockets where your potential customers hang out and re-direct them to your website. The best place to learn how to do exactly that is....

How to start an online business with zero dollars and no skills?

Freelancing services. You need to focus on 1 thing and 1 thing only – and that is acquiring a skill that you can get 1 client to provide a service with. You can learn these skills for free (and/or very cheap) through free content provided by...

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