How to choose a great domain name?

There are a few simple rules. The shorter the better. Make it catchy or easy to remember. Make it relevant to your niche or industry. The fewer words within the domain the better. Finding a domain which is 1 word is really hard these days (for a .com domain), 2 words, is more feasible. 3 words are borderline, and anything more should have a really special reason but I suggest against it. Unless it is extremely memorable. Additionally...

What is a sub-domain? (subdomain)

A subdomain is a subset, or a smaller part of a larger domain. For example, my main domain is I have the following sub-domains...

What is DNS? How does DNS work?

DNS stands for Domain Name System. To answer this question, here is a short video that explains...

DNS domain name IP address
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What is the difference between a domain name and a website?

An example of a domain name is A domain name can be used for a website like what I have, which is the actual content you see on that domain name. A domain name can also be used to create an email, such as Below is a video explaining more...

How do you use a domain name?

There are 3 things you can use a domain name: (a) create a professional email; (b) create a website; (c) forward to another page, like a social media account. Watch this video to learn more...

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the name of the website that you visit. For example, this website is Here is a great simple and short explainer video....

domain domain name
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