What is Gamification?

What if completing your goals felt more like a game, with points, competition and awards? That’s the goal of gamification - to motivate and engage people by making the completion of tasks feel like a game that you want to win.

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What is Constructive Criticism / Feedback?

Feedback can take many forms and produce a variety of outcomes. The best results come when feedback and criticism are presented constructively. This key skill requires an understanding of why constructive criticism matters and how to use it effectively.

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What is Copyright and Creative Commons?

This video tells the story of a photographer who learns to use both Copyright and Creative Commons to accomplish her goals.

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What is a Computer Hardware?

A short explanation of the basic parts of a computer.

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What is Augmented Reality?

An introduction to a new technology that adds a layer of useful information to computer and smartphone camera screens.

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What is Insurance?

An introduction to insurance and the role it plays in recovering when bad things happen.

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What is an Online Citizenship

This is the short story of a man who discovers his words online matter more than he realized, and that citizenship and respecting others is important for his communities, both online and off.

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What is Peer Review?

A big challenge for students is sifting through mountains of information to find high-quality sources for research papers. This video explains why peer-reviewed articles can be useful to students and what makes the articles more trustworthy than other sources.

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What is Project Based Learning?

An introduction to the basics of Project-Based Learning or "PBL" as a way to get students involved in learning versus watching a teacher in front of the room. Video courtesy of Buck Institute for Education.

learning skills
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What are QR Codes?

An introduction to QR Code technology which makes the real world clickable like a website.

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