How to create a segmented email list in New Zenler?

Unfortunately, this needs to be done manually in New Zenler.

However, it is a very simple process.

I recorded a short video for my YouTube channel to show you.

In summary:

(1) Go to Email Broadcasts

(2) Create a new list

(3) Go to "all contacts"

(4) Filter the exact contacts you want (you can do it by course, plan, role, tag, and lots more)

(5) Once you filtered the contacts correctly, check them all

(6) Click "add to email list"

(7) Choose the email list you want to add them to

If you would like additional hands-on support with building your New Zenler website, please visit our Zenler services page.

New to Zenler? Sign up for a free trial.

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Thank you! The Dot Com Truths Support Team

Last updated on 29th August 2021

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