What is the internet and how does the internet work?

What is the internet and how it works can be taken for granted. I strongly advise, if you don't really know how it works, that you take time to watch an 8-part video series from code.org (each video is extremely high-quality, well presented, engaging, short, and to the point). When I first started online, I truly had no idea what things are. I found that series to be extremely helpful. This is the first video, "what is the internet?"..

What is the difference between a domain name and a website?

An example of a domain name is EranBucai.com. A domain name can be used for a website like what I have, which is the actual content you see on that domain name. A domain name can also be used to create an email, such as [email protected]. Below is a video explaining more...

How do you use a domain name?

There are 3 things you can use a domain name: (a) create a professional email; (b) create a website; (c) forward to another page, like a social media account. Watch this video to learn more...

How to start an online business with zero dollars and no skills?

Freelancing services. You need to focus on 1 thing and 1 thing only – and that is acquiring a skill that you can get 1 client to provide a service with. You can learn these skills for free (and/or very cheap) through free content provided by...

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the name of the website that you visit. For example, this website is FAQ.EranBucai.com. Here is a great simple and short explainer video....

domain domain name
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