What are Research Papers?

Nearly every student is asked to write a research paper and this video illustrates how research papers are not simply an assignment, but an opportunity to practice important skills that are useful in the real world.

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What is Blended Learning?

Teachers now have new ways to work with students using a blend of classroom and self-directed online learning. It’s called blended learning and this video explains why it matters..

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How do I host videos professionally? (not YouTube)

Professional hosting has hard costs, i.e. the companies who provide this service pay for storage. YouTube is free because it monetizes from advertising, but other companies require paying a subscription. There are a number of companies that provide this service. To name a few...

What is Internet of Things?

The internet is evolving. It used to be made of computers, but today, the internet includes all sorts of “things” that can work together. This video explains the Internet of Things and what it can mean for both individuals and communities.

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What is Web Conferencing and Webinars?

Thanks to the internet, a different kind of meeting is possible. Instead of attendees having to travel to meet, they can now participate in web conferences or webinars from anywhere with an internet connection. This video explains the basics of web conferencing and how it’s used.

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What is an Online Citizenship

This is the short story of a man who discovers his words online matter more than he realized, and that citizenship and respecting others is important for his communities, both online and off.

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What are secure websites?

This video focuses on what makes websites secure and how to recognize a secure one based on signals in the web browser.

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What is Piracy Online?

Piracy online can seem easy and anonymous, but there is a lot more to it. This video explains what online piracy is, why it is illegal and how it impacts the creative people who make the things we love.

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What are Blogs?

A short introduction to blogs - how they work and why they matter.

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