What is Digital Footprint?

When using apps and websites, our actions are being tracked and saved by organizations. This means we leave digital footprints wherever we go. Part of being a digital citizen is understanding why our digital footprints matter.

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Can you share examples of New Zenler websites?

In this document, you'll be able to see a few of the New Zenler websites I created with some of my clients to serve as inspiration in creating your own.

How do you create a video lesson for your online course or membership (systeme.io tech tutorial)?

Creating a video lesson in systeme.io is really simple. But the best part, is you really only have to create the lesson ONCE, and then create a block that you re-use over and over... that's how I use a lot of time.

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How to choose a great domain name?

There are a few simple rules. The shorter the better. Make it catchy or easy to remember. Make it relevant to your niche or industry. The fewer words within the domain the better. Finding a domain which is 1 word is really hard these days (for a .com domain), 2 words, is more feasible. 3 words are borderline, and anything more should have a really special reason but I suggest against it. Unless it is extremely memorable. Additionally...

What is Augmented Reality?

An introduction to a new technology that adds a layer of useful information to computer and smartphone camera screens.

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What are the Benefits of Working as a Team?

Teamwork is an essential skill that can be the key to great results. This video explains the basics of how successful teams work together to turn weaknesses into strengths.

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What is Smart Grid?

How electricity gets to our homes is evolving and becoming smarter. This video explains the change and how the smart grid is likely to impact households in the future.

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What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence seems like science fiction, but some forms of it are becoming part of our everyday lives. This video explains what it is, what’s possible today and what we can expect in the future.

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How to generate website policies for your website?

By website policies, I refer to privacy policy, cookie policy, terms and conditions policy and more. To create those I found a software that helped me generate these with ease saving me a ton of time and research. I share it in this FAQ with a short video tutorial and a downloadable PDF.

What is Private or Incognito Browsing?

Web browsers come with a feature called Private or Incognito Browsing. The feature can be useful, and using it properly requires an understanding of what it does and why. This video explains Private or Incognito browsing.

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